Healthy hair not just contributes to your appearance significantly but also boost your confidence. Hence, taking good care of hair health becomes essential for both men and women. Though the markets are packed with chemical-based haircare products, taking the natural or Ayurvedic route to nurture your hair is safe and reliable.

Here are some natural ingredients that help promote hair growth and how to use them:
We all know that amla is good for hair health, but only a handful of us are aware of how to use it for best results. For the beginners, make a thick paste of amla powder and lemon juice (according to your hair length) and apply it over washed hair. Massage gently on scalp and hair length. Cover your head with a shower cap and keep the paste for about an hour. Finally, rinse it off using normal water. Apply this paste every 15 days and see the difference.
Similar to amla,
bhringraj is also known for its hair vitalizing properties. Its best results are observed by using an oil made from it. Though many marketed oils claim to have bhringraj as their main ingredient, making your own bhringraj oil will give the best results. Dry bhringraj leaves in the sun for two days and put them in coconut oil to prepare the oil at home. Place this container in the sun for two days and observe its color changing to light green. This oil is the purest and has qualities of both bhringraj leaves and coconut oil. Massage hair and scalp with this oil, keep it overnight and wash it in the morning with a mild shampoo. Do this
oil massage twice a week for best hair growth results.
Shikakai has the best hair cleaning properties of all the ayurvedic herbs. It is also rich in antioxidants, and various vitamins such as A, C, D, and K. These properties make it one of the best herbs for hair nourishment and growth. To use shikakai, dry its pods in the sun for a few days and grind it in the mixer to make a fine powder. Now this powder can be used to wash hair, or you can also make oil from this. Add two tbsp of this powder to coconut oil and place this container in a cool and dark place for 15 days. Massage this oil on scalp at least twice a week before head wash and enjoy long tresses.
Known for its skin benefits, neem is equally good for hair growth. It stimulates hair growth due to its antimicrobial properties. Prepare an anti-hair fall neem mask at home for the best results. Take a few leaves of neem and grind them to make a coarse paste using warm water. Apply this mask on hair, put on a shower cap and leave for an hour. Then shampoo and condition as usual and witness the changes after a few usages.
This delicious food fosters hair health besides satiating your taste buds. Take two tbsp of yoghurt, one tbsp honey, and lemon and mix them well. Apply it on scalp and hair using a brush. Leave it for about 30 minutes and then rinse and shampoo hair as usual.
These ayurvedic ingredients not only help promote hair regrowth but also improve hair health. Follow these simple remedies and enjoy beautiful tresses like never before.