How to prevent hair fall in winter?

As the crisp air of winter sets in, many of us find ourselves dealing with the unpleasant surprise of increased hair fall. This seasonal phenomenon can be frustrating, but fortunately, there are numerous strategies to manage and reduce hair loss during the colder months. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various methods on how to prevent hair fall in winter, including natural remedies that are easy to implement.

Understanding Hair Fall in Winter

Winter can be particularly challenging for hair health, leading to increased hair fall. Here are the factors contributing to this issue, explained in more detail:

1. Dry, Cold Air

During winter, the air outside tends to be colder and much drier compared to other seasons. This change in the environment can have a direct impact on your scalp and hair. Dry air saps moisture from your scalp, leading to dryness and irritation. Similarly, hair strands lose their moisture, becoming brittle and more susceptible to damage and breakage. The lack of moisture can weaken hair at the roots as well, increasing the likelihood of hair fall.

How to prevent hair fall in winter?


2. Indoor Heating

To combat the cold, indoor environments are often heated. While necessary for warmth, this heating results in an extremely dry indoor atmosphere. This exacerbates the drying effect on your hair and scalp initiated by the cold outside. The constant shift between the cold outdoor air and warm, dry indoor heat can cause your hair cuticles to lose their moisture rapidly, making them fragile and more prone to snapping off.

3. Neglect of Hydration and Nutrition

Winter can sometimes lead to changes in our eating and drinking habits. People might consume less water during colder months because they do not feel as thirsty as during the hot season, leading to dehydration. Furthermore, dietary changes that occur during winter—such as the consumption of more comfort foods and fewer fresh fruits and vegetables—can deprive your body of essential nutrients needed for healthy hair growth, such as vitamins A, C, E, and zinc.

4. Physical Stress from Hair Styling

Winter often prompts the use of hats and scarves, which while protective, can also stress the hair. The friction from woolen hats and scarves can physically wear down the cuticle, the outer layer of hair strands, leading to breakage. Additionally, people tend to use hot styling tools more often in the winter to manage their hair, which can further dry out and damage the hair.

How to Prevent Hair Fall in Winter Naturally

To prevent hair fall in winter naturally, implementing specific practices can help maintain the health and strength of your hair. Here's a detailed look at each of the strategies mentioned:

Natural Oils

Natural oils play a crucial role in winter hair care by providing essential moisture and nutrients directly to the scalp and hair roots. Oils like Banyan root oil, argan, olive, and jojoba are particularly beneficial due to their high content of antioxidants and fatty acids, which strengthen hair, enhance elasticity, and prevent moisture loss. Warming the oil slightly before application can further improve its effectiveness by increasing its penetrative ability, making it easier for the oil to reach deep into the hair follicles and scalp pores. This warming of the oil also enhances circulation in the scalp, promoting healthier hair growth.

DIY Hair Masks

Creating your own hair masks using natural ingredients is a cost-effective and highly nourishing treatment option for winter hair care. Ingredients such as Sesame Oil, honey, avocado, and yogurt offer deep conditioning. Sesame oil provides softness to hair shafts and prevents hair dryness. Honey is a natural humectant, which means it helps retain moisture in your hair. Avocado is rich in vitamins B and E, which work at the cellular level to protect and strengthen hair. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which gently cleanses the scalp and can help clear away dead skin cells, allowing for better hair growth. These masks provide intense moisture and essential nutrients, helping to prevent hair from becoming brittle and falling out.

Avoid Hot Showers

While it might be tempting to take hot showers in the cold months, very hot water can strip your hair and scalp of their natural oils, leading to dryness and increased hair fall. Lukewarm water is a better choice as it is less harsh on both your hair and skin, helping to preserve the natural oils that protect and nourish your hair. Additionally, limiting hair washing to no more than twice a week can help maintain these oils, keeping the scalp healthier and more balanced.

Reduce Styling

Frequent use of heat styling tools like blow dryers, straighteners, and curling irons can exacerbate winter hair damage. These tools strip moisture from your hair, making it more brittle and prone to breaking. Minimizing their use can significantly reduce hair damage. When heat styling is necessary, it's beneficial to use a heat protectant spray and to keep the tools at a lower temperature to mitigate damage. Additionally, styles that don't require heat, such as braids or natural waves, can be a healthier alternative during the winter months.

By adopting these natural methods, you can effectively combat hair fall in winter, keeping your hair strong and healthy even under the challenging conditions of the season.

Advanced Care Strategies

To manage hair fall effectively, especially during winter, incorporating advanced care strategies can be highly beneficial. Here’s a deeper look into each suggested approach:

Anti-Hair Fall Products

Investing in specialized anti-hair fall products can significantly enhance your hair care routine. Products formulated with natural ingredients like Banyan root oil, sesame oil, jatamansi, and jaswand phool are particularly beneficial.

Banyan root oil is known for its rich nutrient content and exceptional hair strengthening properties. It can rejuvenate the hair follicles and promote healthier hair growth.

Sesame oil is high in fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9, which nourish the scalp and improve blood circulation, thus strengthening hair roots and reducing hair fall.

Jatamansi is a Himalayan herb celebrated for its ability to improve hair texture and promote growth by invigorating the scalp and improving the follicle health.

Jaswand Phool, or hibiscus flower, is another potent ingredient that stimulates hair regrowth from dormant follicles and bald patches due to its rich vitamin C and amino acid content.

These ingredients combined in hair care products can provide a holistic treatment that nurtures the hair, supports scalp health, and minimizes hair fall.

Trim Regularly

Regular trims are crucial to maintaining hair health. While trimming doesn’t prevent hair fall from the roots, it helps in managing split ends. Split ends can travel up the hair shaft if left unchecked, leading to increased breakage and thinner hair strands. By getting regular trims, you ensure that your hair remains healthy and strong, reducing the chance of mechanical breakage that can make hair fall more noticeable. Typically, getting a trim every 6-8 weeks is recommended.

Cover Your Hair

Covering your hair with a hat or scarf when going outside in cold weather is a protective strategy against harsh winter elements. The cold, dry air can sap moisture from your hair, making it brittle and more prone to falling out. By covering your hair, you:

Protect it from direct exposure to cold winds which can exacerbate hair dryness and brittleness.

Reduce static, which can occur due to dry air and friction between hair and winter clothing like wool hats and scarves.

Keep the scalp warmer, potentially reducing the risk of hair follicles going dormant and leading to hair fall.

However, it’s important to choose hats or scarves made from smooth, soft fabrics to minimize friction and avoid materials that can cause hair to tangle or break.

Preventive Measures to Combat Hair Fall in Winter

Preventing hair fall in winter requires a multi-faceted approach that focuses on hydration, gentle hair care, proper nutrition, and protective styling. By implementing these, you can significantly reduce hair loss and maintain healthy, vibrant hair even during the coldest months.

Hydration: Keeping Hair and Scalp Moisturized

One of the most effective ways to prevent hair fall in winter is to ensure that both your hair and scalp remain well-hydrated. Dryness can lead to brittle hair that breaks easily and a scalp that becomes flaky and itchy, contributing to increased hair fall. Here's how you can keep your hair hydrated:

Moisturizing Products: Use hair oil that is formulated to lock in moisture. Products containing natural hydrating ingredients like banyan root oil, aloe vera, shea butter, or argan oil can be particularly beneficial.

Regular Oil Treatments: Implement regular oil treatments into your routine. Oils such as Banyan root oil, coconut, olive, or jojoba oil not only moisturize the scalp but also create a barrier that retains moisture in the hair shaft.

Limit Wash Frequency: Reduce the frequency of hair washes to prevent stripping away natural oils from the scalp. Washing your hair 2-3 times a week is sufficient.

Gentle Hair Care: Minimizing Damage

Treating your hair gently is crucial during winter to prevent excess fall. Here’s how you can implement gentler hair care practices:

Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Minimize the use of hair dyes, relaxers, or perms as these can weaken your hair's integrity. Opt for natural coloring alternatives if necessary.

Nutrition: Fueling Hair Health from Within

A nutritious diet plays a pivotal role in hair health, providing the hair with the vitamins and minerals it needs to grow strong and stay anchored. Here are some key nutrients to include:

Vitamin A and E: These vitamins help in promoting a healthy scalp and maintaining hair moisture. Sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, almonds, and avocados are great sources.

Iron: Iron deficiency is a major cause of hair fall. Include iron-rich foods like red meat, lentils, and green leafy vegetables in your diet.

Omega Fatty Acids: These are essential for maintaining hair health. Flaxseeds, walnuts, and fatty fish like salmon are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Protective Hairstyles: Reducing Stress on Hair Follicles

Protective hairstyles can significantly reduce hair fall by minimizing exposure to environmental aggressors and decreasing mechanical stress on hair follicles:

Loose Braids and Buns: These styles keep your hair organized and prevent tangling and breaking due to wind or over-manipulation.

Use Silk or Satin Accessories: When tying your hair or while sleeping, use silk or satin scrunchies and pillowcases to reduce friction and prevent breakage.

Avoid Tight Hairstyles: Tight ponytails, cornrows, or braids can pull on the scalp and exacerbate hair fall. Opt for looser styles that do not tug at the roots.


Understanding how to prevent hair fall in winter is crucial for maintaining healthy, strong hair throughout the season. Implementing the tips shared in this blog, such as keeping hydrated, using natural oils, and minimizing heat styling, can make a significant difference. Remember, every small step can contribute to healthier hair.

By focusing on these methods and adjusting your hair care routine accordingly, you can effectively reduce hair fall in winter and keep your locks looking luscious and strong even in the coldest months.

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